Our Office Solution is useful for any Small/Medium size business to manage daily office activities. Our Solution cover most of the basic operation of office like Sales, Purchases, Income, Expenses, To Dos, Task Entry and Letterhead management etc. And in future so many new features will be included in this system. This system is very simple and easy to understand and at same time so much useful.
During our office activities we have to deal with so many persons may it will be Customers, Vendors or Employees. With help of this module we can register all these persons in our system.
During our office activities we come across so many expenses and incomes, we can keep track of it with this module.
We can register all our sales with help of this modules and this module is very well developed and provides you so many facilitates. Below is list of all facilities.
We can manage all our purchase related activities in this modules. Below is list of all facilities.
Sometimes company are working based on project and need to keep track of all Purchases, Sales, Incomes and Expenses based on projects so this module is useful for them.
Personal expense section is useful for all users who are using our system to register their own personal expenses. So with help of this section they can easily manage their personal expenses.
This module is very useful for do quick communication with any persons. With help of this module we can easily send Email or SMS to all person related to our business. For this you need to purchase Email and SMS at additional cost.
During our office activities we come across so many task and it is always difficult to remember this tasks so this module will help you to remember and manage all yours to do tasks.
With help of this module you can store your important passwords.
During our daily activities we completed so many task and with help of this module we can enter this tasks so in future if need more detail about it then we can easily get it with this module.
With help of this section you can get detail of so many reports like Incomes, Expenses, Sales, Payment Received, Purchase, Payment Given, Ledger, Email/SMS Send report, Cash Rojmel, Trading Account, P&L Account and Balance Sheet.
Charts always represent data better than words. So with help of this module we can easily see so many informative charts like Incomes, Expense, Sales and Purchases.
During office activities one need to give so many important information in letterhead. We make that process very simple with our module. Here you just need to upload your softcopy once and rest we will manage easily.
In office we have so many persons and everyone have different responsibilities. So with help of this module we can limit access to users. E.g. For Sales person no need to give Letterhead related facilities and that thing we can easily manage with this module.
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